QBO Schedule C Service Business

There’s a new experience for customizing the Chart of Accounts for QBO Schedule C service-based businesses that has been revamped! We always love checking out the new features of QBO.

QuickBooks Online is most far too often mistreated by new users. The new custom Chart-of-Accounts is designed and improved for new data input which will later be used for reporting new information. 

The new custom Chart-of-Accounts has been created with new features to help you Schedule C ‘Sole Proprietors’ of a service-based business.

QBO Self-Employed offers new Chart-of-Accounts

The new default Chart-of Accounts experience for ‘Sole Proprietors’ includes:

  • The enhanced search tool which allows users to use their own words to find accounts (category drop-down).
  • Accounts are organized in high-level buckets that make more sense to small businesses (category drawer)

These improvements are designed to assist new users to enter data for better insights.

With the added information becoming readily available and related to these changes, including the ability to migrate to the new Chart-of-Accounts from the old Chart-of-Accounts (tax categories), Accounting Lifeline will provide you with the necessary information. 

Contact us to learn more about QBO Schedule C!