Financial First Responders

How many times have you worried about your business this year? Think about all the concerns, questions, and impossible decisions made this year. We at Accounting Lifeline have been an active part of rescuing clients from the pandemic. We have shared resources with our clients and walked through the tough decisions together. It is a great honor to be part of the small business dream as we were the financial first responders during this pandemic.

As part of our ongoing efforts to build stronger relationships with our clients, we have taken the role of advising our clients and our accounting community on how to move forward during financial uncertainty.

We were recently honored by being featured in a few commercials created by Intuit QuickBooks. They shared “behind the scenes” of the accountant’s life as  financial first responders and truly captured how much care goes into our work. 2020 wasn’t easy, but we made it! There were zoom meetings and many, many cups of coffee but it is all worth it. Here at Accounting Lifeline, we want to be your “trusted partner providing empathy and support to reach your dreams”.  We offer many different services such as monthly bookkeeping, clean up, training, and even app integration!

Please contact us today to learn more about what services we offer to help make running your business easier.